Located along US Highway 87, 4.5 miles south of Story, 12 miles north of Buffalo and 18 miles south of Sheridan. 1 mile west off of Exit 44 along Interstate 90. View KCH on a Google Map.
Parking: We must keep our parking efficient, so that no one is parked on or across the highway. We are allowed five self-sufficent campers, but they mustn’t take up so much space that causes overflow. One spot of those five is already reserved.
Special Event Insurance has been obtained by Andrea and proof sent to KCH. Here’s the indemnification form.
We have to hire to have our garbage removed. There is a new outfit out of Story: MC Sanitation, LLC, P.O.Box 249 Story. WY 82842.
Day time Tours and Evening Programs
Nick and Andrea are meeting to arrange program possibilities.
Speakers from Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association, including a Native perspective.
Group tours of the Fort
Demonstrations including flintknapping
Driving tours to the Bozeman Trail to the south near Fort Reno
Driving tours to the Trail to the north
Games and Crafts at KCH
It could be interesting and fun to have old-time games (and modern), crafts, and skills on offer at the hall. It would be interesting for kids of all ages to try old skills like leather working, rope tossing…what else? No, Paul, no axe or knife throwing.